Sébastien Lemieux and his team put bioinformatics at the service of data processing and analysis. The group mainly devotes its efforts to the development of algorithms in transcriptomics, proteomics and high-throughput screening.
Research theme
The tools used today in molecular biology have caused an explosion in the number of observations that can now be made in a single experiment.
Human genome sequencing, for example, which a few years ago required months of work, is now carried out on a single instrument in a matter of just a few days.
This technological evolution has generated a veritable tsunami of data that is virtually impossible to analyze. In order to convert raw data into knowledge, bioinformatics tools are needed. Sébastien Lemieux’s team develops analysis tools for the development of algorithms that facilitate RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq).
Research objectives
The Functional and Structural Bioinformatics Research Unit divides its efforts between two missions. On one hand, Sébastien Lemieux’s team develops data pre-treatment techniques in order to increase accuracy.
It also seeks to create tools to better extract biologically sound knowledge from heterogeneous data sources. The group notably tries to more accurately measure the expression levels of messenger RNA, as well as to be able to identify splicing events or the presence of mutations.
The raw data that Investigators work with are often altered by the experimental biases stemming from each of the steps leading to the production of data. By uncovering these biases one-by-one, then by measuring the impact of each one on the data, Investigators are in a position to integrate corrective measures into their algorithms in order to minimize their impact.
Research topics
Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence