Fostering a culture of respect and inclusion at IRIC

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An inclusive research environment

As an institution, IRIC seeks to foster equity and to increase diversity and inclusion, in all of its forms, within its various programs. Studies have shown that subtle, unconscious and implicit biases often exist in scientific university settings, which can have a negative impact on exam process results and in other processes related to allocation of resources, rewards, awards and visibility.

To that end, IRIC invites its members to become aware of potential implicit biases with respect to making decisions, exams, marking and discussing applications and/or the allocation of resources in order for everyone to be able to work together to fight against their negative impact.

An active committee to foster an equitable, diverse and inclusive environment

IRIC’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is intended to catalyze an increase in diversity and inclusion at IRIC and to ensure an equitable work environment for all of IRIC’s members.

The Committee offers a forum for discussion, collaboration and ideation concerning EDI matters at IRIC.

The Committee members represent IRIC’s various sectors of activity:

  • Narjes Achach, Analyst in intellectual property
  • Katherine Borden, Director of the Structure and Function of the Cell Nucleus Research Unit
  • Delphine Bouilly, Director of the Design and Application of Electronic Nanobiosensors Research Unit
  • Nancy Deslandes, Manager – Human Resources
  • Jean-Claude Labbé, Director of the Cell Division and Differentiation Research Unit
  • Myreille Larouche, Communication Officer
  • Julie Mantovani, Manager – Academic Affairs
  • Swati Singh, PhD student

Connection Breaks, a program to open up to others

The people taking part in the Program, working or studying at IRIC, are randomly paired together on a monthly basis. The duos thus created are invited to go for coffee or tea together during the course of the month. The Program’s goals are to encourage meetings and to create links within IRIC’s community. As IRIC is a place of diversity, these meetings help to break down barriers and bring together people from different backgrounds. Connection Breaks also result in increasing the sense of belonging and encouraging the integration of the new recruits.

A Pairing Program for the student community

Within the framework of the Program, based on the Université de Montréal’s programme Passerelle, a pairing is made between the new recruits and members of IRIC’s student community.

The goal of the Program is to offer timely assistance and advice to make things easier when arriving at IRIC, on the university’s campus and in Montreal; and to facilitate the start of the path towards university graduate studies.

To take part in the Program, please contact the Academic Affairs :

Find out more

These sentinels are members of the Université de Montréal staff who have received training for empathetic listening provided by health professionals. They are available to welcome, listen to and guide members of the student community who feel the need for it towards the appropriate resources. They put well-being at the heart of their interventions, which are carried out with respect and discretion.

Find out more


Three sentinels can be reached at IRIC:

Pascale Le Thérizien, Office and Administrative Technician at IRIC:

Julie Mantovani, Manager – Academic Affairs at IRIC:

Virginie Mondin, Coordination Officer – Academic Affairs at IRIC:

Inclusively: resources for inclusive communications

Inclusive language is a new form of language aimed at fairly representing all people who, through their diversity, make up society.

To empower its community, the Université de Montréal has created online training that is open to everyone, known as MOOC (Massive Open Online Course): “Inclusivement: formation à l’écriture inclusive pour toutes et tous”. The interactive training lasts approximately 50 minutes.

Access the training


Furthermore, to assist the staff and the student community in using the principles of inclusive language, both oral and written, the UdeM’s Bureau de valorisation de la langue française et de la Francophonie has published “Inclusivement: guide d’écriture pour toutes et tous”.

Consult the guide

Factsheet on gender-neutral language

The Bureau du respect de la personne of the Université de Montréal

Le Bureau du respect de la personne – Preventing and fighting against harassment, discrimination, racism and sexual violence is the single window to meet with anyone affected by a situation of harassment, sexual violence, discrimination or racism. Its mission is to help make the Université de Montréal and HEC Montréal open living, study and work environments that are inclusive and respectful, where each person can expect to receive caring and judgment-free support, respectful of their expectations and their particular needs.

To submit a tip to the Bureau:


Sexual misconduct and violence

The Policy to prevent and combat sexual misconduct and violence applies to all members of the Université de Montréal community, whether in a study or work environment, as well as to third-parties related to them. It applies to those people within the framework of the exercise of their activities at the University, regardless of where the situation occurs.

Find out more


Incivility, harassment, discrimination and racism

policy applies to the Université de Montréal to prevent and deal with situations of incivility, harassment, discrimination and racism.

  1. The policy applies to every member of the university community as well as to third-parties and concerns any problematic situation that occurs in a context involving university activities.
  2. The members of the university community must contribute to creating and maintaining a healthy work, study and living environment, free of any form of incivility, harassment, discrimination and racism.
  3. Any individual who is a victim, or who has been informed of, or has witnessed a problematic situation can contact the Bureau du respect de la personne or any person in a position of authority at the University. The person in a position of authority who receives such a tip must alert the Bureau du respect de la personne immediately and ask about the appropriate ways to put a stop to the problematic situation.
  4. Every member of the community can expect to benefit from caring and judgment-free support from the Bureau du respect de la personne, according to their expectations and their particular needs.

Find out more about harassment

Find out more about discrimination

Additional resources

Inclusion Starts With I. Diversity & Inclusion - Accenture