The Genomics Core Facility offers a wide range of services, combining guidance and access to state-of-the-art technologies in the field of genomics. These services range from sample preparation, to basic sequencing, to the generation of large-scale NGS datasets.
The core facility offers complete real time PCR service and Digital Droplet PCR (ddPCR) service, with support from the RNA extraction to the final results and works closely with the IRIC’s Bioinformatics Core Facility.
Services offered:
- Capillary sequencing
- DNA sequencing (plasmids, PCR products, etc.)
- Results provided in 48 hours and personalized access to sequences on a secure server
- Real time PCR (qPCR) and Digital Droplet PCR (ddPCR)
- Next generation sequencing
- RNA-Seq
- Amplicons
- Small RNAs (miRNAs)
- Targeted genomic regions (Exome sequencing)
- ChIP-seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing)
- Whole genomic DNA sequencing (complete genome)
- Single-cell sequencing
- Access to expert advice with respect to optimal sequencing strategy and experimental design
- Validation and analysis of results
- DNA and RNA analysis
- Analysis of the quality and quantity of the RNA (full report in PDF format, RIN quality index for the RNA)
Sanger sequencing
DNA analyzer ABI 3730
Next-generation sequencing
Illumina NextSeq500
Illumina MiSeq
10X Genomics Chromium Controller
Life Technologies ViiA 7
Life Technologies QuantStudio 7 Flex
Roche LC480
RNA and DNA quality analysis
Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100
NanoDrop 8000
Digital Droplet PCR
Biorad QX200
Covaris S-series
Semi-automated pipetting stations
- Biomek FX
- EpiMotion