The Biophysics/NMR Core Facility provides a cutting-edge solution in NMR spectroscopy with particular emphasis on experiments based on the investigation of protein structure, protein-ligand interactions and routine small molecule analysis.
Services offered:
- Analysis of samples using NMR and analysis of spectra
- Access to in-house scripts to aid the analysis of NMR data
- User advice and training in:
- Incorporation of stable isotopes and purification of proteins
- Developing strategies for structure determination of proteins and small molecules, and investigation of protein-ligand complexes
- Processing and interpretation of NMR spectra
- Use of software to generate 3D structures from NMR study data
- Automated acquisition of spectra for small molecules
- 1D spectra of nuclei ranging from 15N to 31P, including 1H
- 2D spectra, including COSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, H2BC experiments
- Implementation of NMR experiences for the assignment and structure determination of proteins, including (but not restricted to):
- Spectra for backbone assignment; HNCACB, HNCA, CBCA(CO)NH, HNCOCA, HNCO, etc.
- Spectra for sidechain assignment; C(CO) NH-TOCSY, HC(CO)NH-TOCSY, HCCH-TOCSY, etc.
- Spectra for production of structural restraints; 2D, 3D, 4D 15N and 13C-edited NOESY, HNHA, HNHB
- Implementation of innovative methods for expediating NMR experiments including non-linear acquisitions and SO-FAST methods
- Determination of dipolar couplings; IPAP-HSQC
- Access to spectra for investigating small molecule binding to proteins; 1D and 2D STD experiments, 2D TCS experiments, 1D T1rho experiments, 2D 1H-15N HSQC titration experiments. 3D select filter-edit experiments
Bruker 600 MHz Avance III HD NMR equipped with tuneable 1H-19F QCIP 5mm cryoprobe, or 1.7mm TCI cryoprobe. A cooled samplejet samplechanger.
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- Structural biology, Chemical Biology, small molecules and Fragment based screening by NMR (libraries from Maybridge and Key Organics)
400 MHz MR Varian Automation System
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- Automated handling up to 96 samples
- Two RF channels
- 5mm OneNMR probe for extra 1H and 13C sensitivity
- Capability to detect nuclei from 15N to 31P