Submit your application for the M.Sc or Ph.D - Apply anytime
IRIC’s Investigators propose novel and ambitious research projects to students who are considering joining their team. The projects involve various themes:
- Cell Signaling and Protein Dynamics
- Cell Division and Migration
- Immunology and Hematopoiesis
- Genomics and Epigenetics
- Chemical and Structural Biology
- Targeted Therapies and Diagnostics
- Computational Analysis and Modeling
Students wishing to join the Institute are invited to carefully follow the guidelines presented below when preparing and submitting their application.
Eligibility requirements
- You must demonstrate a strong interest in pursuing graduate studies in life sciences research;
- You must have successfully completed or be enrolled full-time in a Bachelor’s or Master’s program (Master’s 1/Master’s 2) in STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics);
- You must have maintained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 out of 4.3 (or the equivalent*) for Master’s candidates, and 3.3 out of 4.3 (or the equivalent*) for Ph.D. candidates;
- You must have strong knowledge of French and/or English;
- You must meet the general admission requirements (Section XI) of the Education Regulations of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
*You can consult the ESP web page to find out the minimum grades required and the diplomas accepted by the Université de Montréal. Please note that in the case of a difference between the minimum cGPA announced by IRIC and the Université de Montréal, the higher cGPA prevails.
Preparing your application
To be considered complete, your application, in French or English, must contain the following documents: :
- The profile and application form duly completed on the IRIC academic affairs portal. To do this, you must create your profile and complete the “Apply anytime” application form.
The following documents must be uploaded to your profile on the IRIC Academic Affairs Portal: - A letter of intent (max. 1,000 words) describing:
- Your academic background and career goals;
- Your scientific interests;
- Your reasons for wanting to pursue your studies at IRIC in the field of life sciences research;
- The name(s) of the Investigator(s) selected for guidance and the reasons for your choice;
- All of your official university transcripts in French or in English (unofficial copies accepted);
- Your résumé (CV);
- In addition you should provide: Two letters of recommendation attesting to the quality of your academic achievement including, if applicable, any research experience you may have. These letters are optional for Master’s applicants – but required for Ph.D. applicants – and must be forwarded confidentially, by email (, directly by their author.
Evaluation of your application
Each application is evaluated by a selection committee made up of IRIC researchers and representatives of the Office of Academic Affairs. It is important to note that only complete files will be studied by the selection committee.
Applications selected by the selection committee will be shared with all IRIC researchers. Some of them could then receive a recruitment offer for a master or a doctorate.
Note: even though there is no deadline for submitting your application using this process, it is important to allow a sufficient period of time for your application to be processed, as well as for immigration formalities, if applicable.
For more information about recruitment, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs: