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IRIC’s Science Reflexion contest: 2024 Edition !

Published on June 11, 2024

We are pleased to announce the return of IRIC’s Science Reflexion contest. The 2024 edition of IRIC’s Science Reflexion contest is here!

You have a beautiful microscopy image, a figure from your bioinformatics analysis or any other illustration from your research?

Enter the contest and try to win one of the 4 gift cards worth $50!

The selected artworks will be printed (e.g. in 3’x3′ format) and displayed in strategic places in the Institute. The artworks could be offered to sponsors for philanthropic activities.

What are the eligibility criteria?

  • Who? The whole IRIC community can participate to the contest.
  • Types of artwork: Photo, microscopy, macrophotography, immunofluorescence, bioinformatics, protein structure, etc.
  • Size and resolution: Square images (36p x 36p) with minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in format .tiff. Image overlays or compositions are also allowed. Lower resolution images will be considered as appropriate.
  • Description: Artworks must be accompanied by the author’s name, title, year of creation, and a brief description from the form. Artwork without this information will be rejected.
  • Deadline for participation : August 31, 2024
    *Please note that multiple artworks may be submitted.

How to submit your proposals?

  • Access to P:\Partage temporaire\concours_science_reflexion_2024.
  • Deposit your artworks and forms detailing your works (the form is available in Formulaires à remplir) in the following directory by creating and identifying your file by your name and the title of the artwork (e.g.: Lafaille_Judith_VoieLactée_2024): P:\Partage temporaire\concours_science_reflexion_2024.
  • Create a folder for each proposed artwork.

The winners of the contest will be announced the week of September 19, 2024.