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Welcome to the 2024 IRIC Next Generation Awards recipients!

Published on June 5, 2024

This scholarship enables undergraduate students to spend 12 to 16 weeks at IRIC during the summer term.

This opportunity is possible thanks to the 2024 IRIC Next Generation Award Program, financially supported by the IRIC principal investigators and the IRIC philanthropic fund.

Each year, this program is open to undergraduate students (Canadians or permanent residents). Several research projects from different fields are offered, including immunotherapy, cell division, cell signaling, gene expression, stem cells and leukemia, drug discovery, development of diagnostic tools and cell modeling.


Congratulations to the IRIC Next Generation awardees:

– Jessica Adams /  Mader Lab
– Juliette Bouchard / Deblois Lab
– Sophia Jeroncic / Knapp Lab
– Alexandrine Lefebvre /  Mader Lab
– Adriana Phan / Knapp Lab
– Elise Quadri / Deblois Lab
– Tokiniaina Raharison Ralambomihanta / Lemieux Lab
– Mathilde Wagner / Bouilly Lab
– Bonny Wu / Wilhelm Lab
– Zhengkun (Giles) Xu / Gagnon Lab