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The Pillars of IRIC: meet Nadine Mayotte

Published on mars 14, 2023

In 2023, IRIC celebrates its 20th anniversary. Among the initiatives put in place to celebrate this anniversary, the series of portraits entitled “The Pillars of IRIC” will highlight the people who have contributed since the very beginning, sometimes in the shadows, to make IRIC what it has become.

Today, meet Nadine Mayotte, Research Advisor in Guy Sauvageau’s laboratory at IRIC.

Nadine Mayotte holds a bachelor’s degree in medical biology and a Master’s degree in biophysics from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). She first worked at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Université de Montréal and at the Department of Neuropsychology of the UQTR. She then joined the laboratory of Guy Sauvageau, who was then working at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) before contributing as a founding member to the creation of IRIC in 2003. Having followed the Sauvageau laboratory in its move, Nadine has been at IRIC since the first day of its existence!

As a Research Advisor, Nadine collaborates, for in vivo experiments, with the different research groups of the laboratory working on hematopoietic stem cells and on acute myeloid leukemia cells.

She agreed to share some of the highlights of her career at IRIC:


Do you have a memorable anecdote related to IRIC?

I remember a young researcher walking down the stairs of the Agora at a Christmas Party singing and dancing to the song Gangnam Style; it was spectacular!


What motivates you to stay at IRIC after all these years?

The pride of participating in the academic and professional development of our students and postdocs; to know that their time at IRIC and in our laboratory has allowed them to have a successful career.


Tell us about an accomplishment that makes you proud of your work at IRIC

I was involved in the discovery of the UM171 molecule, which allows for the in vitro expansion of hematopoietic stem cells. In the fall of 2022, the 100th patient was transplanted with UM171 expanded cell therapy. Knowing the tangible impact this discovery is having on people’s lives fills me with pride.


Can you tell us about a key figure, a role model, a mentor for you at IRIC?

The researchers, both the young ones who are starting out and the more senior ones who continue their research, are models of inspiration and determination for me.


From yesterday to today, what has changed the most at the Institute?

The presence of people behind a computer rather than at the bench in the lab, a sign that the nature of research work has greatly evolved.

A hobby of the past 20 years:
Alpine skiing.
Best innovation of the past 20 years:
Stem cell transplantation expanded with the UM171 molecule.
Song you were listening to 20 years ago:
Without Me, by Eminem.
Happy disappearance of the last 20 years:
The typewriter and all the associated paper waste.
A wish for 20 years from now:
That the war on climate change is won.

Meet all The Pillars of IRIC