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Vincent Archambault appointed Full Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at the Université de Montréal

Published on May 16, 2022

IRIC is proud to announce the promotion of Vincent Archambault, Principal Investigator and Director of the Cell Cycle Regulation Research Unit, as Full Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at the Université de Montréal.

Principal Investigator at IRIC since 2009, Vincent Archambault was promoted to the highest professorial rank due to his commitment to teaching and the quality of his research. In addition to the undergraduate courses he teaches in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and the graduate courses he teaches in Molecular Biology, Professor Archambault has supervised in his laboratory 40 students and postdocs at all levels and published 43 peer-reviewed articles in recognized scientific journals.

Professor Archambault agreed to answer a few questions about this important step in his career:


What is the research focus of your laboratory?

Vincent Archambault (V. A.): My team contributes to elucidating the molecular mechanisms that control cell division. To do this, we mainly use the Drosophila fly. This easy-to-handle model system makes it possible to exploit a powerful combination of genetics, biochemical, molecular and microscopic approaches.


How did you come to study cell division?

V. A. : I have always had a strong desire to understand the world around me. This is what attracted me to science. Of all topics, it is cell biology at the molecular level that has given me the greatest intellectual satisfaction. Cell division is a particularly spectacular and fascinating process. The opportunities that presented themselves during my doctoral training opened a door for me in this field. I could surely have been very happy working in another scientific field, but a choice had to be made.


Why is it relevant to study this type of biological phenomena?

V. A. : For a start, simply to understand! All living things depend on the division of their cells to reproduce, grow and survive. In my opinion, basic scientific research is one of the greatest and most noble endeavors of mankind. Any innovation, in the medical field or otherwise, is based on discoveries resulting from fundamental research. Our understanding of cell division is the foundation of our understanding of cancer. It is essential to understand a disease in order to be able to develop ways to prevent or treat it.


What does this promotion as a Full Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine mean to you and your team?

V. A. : It is a privilege for me to be recognized in this way within my alma mater department where I did my undergraduate studies. This promotion consolidates my commitment to teaching and research. For the members of my team, I think it does not change much. They will probably find it normal that my academic rank evolves in sync with the color of my hair.