IRIC obtains major funding to develop an intelligent chemolibrary
Published on janvier 27, 2022
As part of the initial phase of Médicament Québec, IRIC recently obtained major funding of $3,200,045 for the Expanded Capacity and Quality of Chemolibraries for Drug Discovery Project.
The project seeks to improve the chemolibraries of IRIC’s Drug Discovery Unit in order to meet the growing needs of research centres in Quebec’s higher learning institutions and of industrial partners.
IRIC is delighted with this news, particularly given the current context, in which Quebec must absolutely gain greater autonomy with respect to drug discovery and production.
Congratulations to Michel Bouvier, endorser of the initiative and Chief Executive Officer of IRIC, as well as to Anne Marinier, Director of the Institute’s Drug Discovery Unit, who will oversee the implementation and execution of this major project.
For more information, read the full article in UdeMNouvelles